Advice n° A-2014-05-C of 27 October 2014 regarding the proposal of a template for framework agreement.
Rail transport
Advice n° A-2014-05-C of 27 October 2014 regarding the proposal of a template for framework agreement.
Advice n° A-2014-06-S of 24 October 2014 regarding the Network Statement 2015-2016 introduced by Infrabel.
Advice n° A-2014-03-S of 28 July 2014 regarding the by Infrabel proposed modification of the principles of tarification for Your Shunts.
Advice n° A-2014-02-C on the project transportconvention regarding the operational cooperation between Infrabel SA and NMBS
Decision No D-2013-02-S concerning the complaint submitted by the railway undertaking Crossrail Benelux NV regarding the discrimination with regard to the allocation procedure for infrastructure capacity. This decision was published on 13 January 2014 in the Belgian Official Gazette.