Advice n° A-2015-02-S regarding the draft network statement for the period 11/12/2016 – 09/12/2017.
On the 30th of September the Service of Regulation took a decision in the control mission regarding the network statement 2015. This control mission was started due to the not following of Infrabel of the advice of the Service of Regulation regarding the project of network statement 2015. The decision can be consulted here (Dutch […]
Decision no D-2015-04-S of 20 April 2015 concerning the methodology for cost allocation, as introduced by the infrastructure manager Infrabel. (Dutch and French only).
Decision no D-2014-02-S of 19 December 2014 concerning the monitoring mission of a possible transfer of railway infrastructure capacity between NMBS Logistics and DB Schenker Rail Nederland in the framework of the railway accident at Wetteren. (Dutch and French only). This decision was on 14 january 2015 published in the Belgian Official Gazette.
Decision no D-2014-03-S of 17 December 2014 regarding the methodology for attribution of cast by the infrastructure manager Infrabel. (Dutch and French only). This decision was on 14 January 2015 published in the Belgian Official Gazette.