Decision D-2016-01-LA regarding the provisionary entry into force of the bussing charge at Brussels Airport. (Dutch only)
Decision D-2016-01-LA regarding the provisionary entry into force of the bussing charge at Brussels Airport. (Dutch only)
Decision D-2015-12-LA of November 3, 2015 regarding the modification of the tariff system and the formula for tariff control for the regulated period 1/4/2016-31/3/2021 as finally proposes by Brussels Airport Company. (Dutch only)
Decision D-2015-09-LA regarding the extension of the deadline for the Regulatory body to decide in the framework of the request to disapprove the tariff proposal. (Dutch only).
Decision D-2015-08-LA regarding the quality indicators for objective measurement of the waiting time at check-in process at Brussels Airport. (Dutch only)
Decision D-2015-07-LA regarding he entry into force of the modifications of the airport charges at Brussels Airport. (Dutch only).