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Decision D-2022-02-L on the entry into force of the change in airport charges at Brussels Airport for the regulated period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2028


On July 4th 2022, the Regulatory Body issued made a provisional decision on the airport charges that license holder Brussels Airport Company intends to change from 1 April 2023. The Regulatory Body is of the opinion that there is no risk that its final decision on the proposed charges adaptation will be too late, i.e. […]


Notification new passenger transport service

On July the forth 2022, the Regulatory Body received a notification from the “European Sleeper Coöperatie“ for a new passenger transport service for the Amsterdam/Barcelona and Barcelona/Amsterdam routes. This notification relates to access to the Belgian railway network and is part of the information obligation provided for in both Belgian and European regulations.


Monitoring mission regarding conflicts of interest at the infrastructure Manager

The Regulatory Body has launched a monitoring mission order to verify if the infrastructure manager complies with the rules regarding the absence of conflict of interest. After investigation, the Regulatory Body concluded that the infrastructure manager complies with this regulation. This decision can be found here (French and Dutch only).


Decision D-2021-07-S in the framework of the ex-officio investigation regarding the service facility description of Zuidnatie NV

Service facilities

On 15 December 2021, the Regulatory Body issued a decision in the framework of the ex-officio investigation on the service facility description of Zuidnatie NV, a service facility situated in the Port of Antwerp. The Regulatory Body decided that the service facility description is not completely in line with current legislation and some adaptations are […]


Decision D-2021-04-S on the determination of the reasonable time period within which requests for access to service facilities and rail-related services must be answered

Service facilities

On 25 November 2021, the Regulatory Body issued a decision on the reasonable time period within which requests from railway undertakings for access to service facilities and rail-related services must be answered. In this decision, on the one hand, the reactions of the rail sector to the public consultation on this matter are processed and […]


Market monitoring 2020 rail market for passengers

Rail transport

The Regulatory Body monitors and studies the evolutions and market developments of the railway sector in Belgium. We have issued our latest Market Monitoring Report with evolutions and market developments in the rail market for passengers for the year 2020 which was clearly affected by the sanitary crisis. The report can be found here.


Market monitoring 2020 rail freight

Rail transport

The Regulatory Body monitors and studies the evolutions and market developments of the railway sector in Belgium. We have issued our latest Market Monitoring Report with evolutions and market developments in the rail freight market for the year 2020. The report can be found here.


Market monitoring 2020 at Brussels Airport


The Regulatory Body monitors and studies the evolutions and market developments at Brussels Airport. The results for the year 2020 were clearly affected by the sanitary crisis. This report can be found here.


Decision D-2021-05-C in the context of the complaint concerning the hyperpeak tariff in the North-South junction for the HST segment (time tables 2021 and 2022).

Rail transport

On November 5th, 2021, the Regulatory Body issued decision D-2021-05-C following Thalys’ complaint against Infrabel concerning the revision of the hyperpeak coefficient applicable in the North-South junction for the HST segment (time tables 2021 and 2022). The Regulatory Body considers that none of the applicant’s grievances can be withheld. Therefore, the Regulatory Body decided that […]


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