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Market monitoring 2020 rail market for passengers

Market monitoring 2020 rail market for passengers

The Regulatory Body monitors and studies the evolutions and market developments of the railway sector in Belgium. We have issued our latest Market Monitoring Report with evolutions and market developments in the rail market for passengers for the year 2020 which was...
Market monitoring 2020 rail freight

Market monitoring 2020 rail freight

The Regulatory Body monitors and studies the evolutions and market developments of the railway sector in Belgium. We have issued our latest Market Monitoring Report with evolutions and market developments in the rail freight market for the year 2020. The report can be...
Market monitoring 2020 at Brussels Airport

Market monitoring 2020 at Brussels Airport

The Regulatory Body monitors and studies the evolutions and market developments at Brussels Airport. The results for the year 2020 were clearly affected by the sanitary crisis. This report can be found here.

Opinion regarding the congestions of bundels

On 5 November 2021, the Regulatory Body delivered its Opinion No. A-2021-07-S within the framework of a consultation to amend the Network Statement launched by infrastructure manager Infrabel. This consultation was specifically aimed at changing the tariff formula...
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