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Study Railway Transport 2022

In 2022, the Belgian Regulatory body has realized a poll about the rail market evolution and the service facilities in Belgium. Twelve railway undertakings and one applicant non-RU have replied to this poll which was completed by some individual interviews. The...

Communiqué C-2022-02-LA regarding the possible change in airport charges for the regulated period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2028 as a result of changes to the Brussels Airport Fuel & Oil policy.

In December 2022, the Regulatory Body has issued a communiqué regarding the fact that BAC could not proceed with the allocation of a European tender for the operation of the fuel infrastructure and the possible impact of this on airport charges for the next regulated...
Market Monitor Railway transport freight 2021

Market Monitor Railway transport freight 2021

The Regulatory Body monitors and studies the evolutions and market developments of the railway sector in Belgium. We have issued our latest Market Monitoring Report with the evolutions and developments in the rail freight market for the year 2021.
Market Monitor Passenger Rail 2021

Market Monitor Passenger Rail 2021

The Regulatory Body monitors and studies the evolutions and market developments of the railway sector in Belgium. We have published the 2021 Market Monitoring Report with evolutions and market developments in the rail passengers market.
Market Monitor Brussels Airport 2021

Market Monitor Brussels Airport 2021

The Regulatory Body monitors and studies the evolutions and market developments of the airport sector in Belgium, in particular Brussels Airport. The latest Market Monitoring Report with evolutions and market developments in the airport sector for the year 2021 can be...
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