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Advice n° A-2014-05-C of 27 October 2014 regarding the proposal of a template for framework agreement.


Advice n° A-2014-06-S of 24 October 2014 regarding the Network Statement 2015-2016 introduced by Infrabel.


Advice concerning the proposal to modify the legislation on airport regulation for Brussels Airport. (Dutch and French only).


Advice n° A-2014-03-S of 28 July 2014 regarding the by Infrabel proposed modification of the principles of tarification for Your Shunts.


Decision D-2014-01-LA regarding the operation of General Aviation at Brussels Airport. (Dutch only). On April 13, 2016 the Brussels Court of appeal (18th Chamber) issued its decision regarding the appeal introduced by Abelag against the decision D-2014-01-LA of the...
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