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On April 19, 2018 the Regulatory Body issued a decision regarding a dispute between the infrastructure manager and SNCB regarding the performance scheme. (French only).


On April 19, 2018 the Regulatory Body issued a decision regarding a dispute between the infrastructure manager and Crossrail regarding the performance scheme. (Dutch only).


Airport – Decision D-2018-02-L regarding the bringing into force of charges at Brussels Airport. In accordance with decision D-2017-07-LA, the airport operator has held a new consultation procedure with the airlines from February to March 2018, that has led to a new...


On March 30th, 2018, the Regulatory Body issued its decision regarding the audit mission on Training Centers for train conductors. Given amendments in the Rail Codex, the audit mission has become devoid of purpose.  (Dutch and French only)


Decision D-2017-08-LA on the modification of the quality charters, presented by “The Brussels Airport Company”. Following a change in the satisfaction survey methodology, the quality charters for passengers and users had to be adapted as well. The Regulatory Service...
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