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Airport – Decision D-2018-15-L regarding the service level agreement between Brussels Airport Company and the suppliers of groundhandling services for third parties, limited category. On 25 October 2018, the Regulatory Body issued a decision about the Service...


The Regulatory body has issued a decision related to certain charges levied by SNCB to Railway undertakings for access to railway stations or services provided in the railway stations.


Airport – Communication about Marketcourt judgment of 27 June 2018 The Regulatory Body issued a communication on August 3rd, 2018 regarding the Marketcourt judgment of June 27th, 2018 concerning the appeal of Brussels Airport Company against decision D-2017-07-LA....


The Regulatory Body has decided to terminate the audit assigment regarding the performance scheme. Taking into account the fact that Infrabel has withdrawn the performance scheme (version 30/06/2017 in the NS2017) on the advice of the Regulatory Body, because it...
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